Volume Profile Volume Delta OI Delta [Kioseff Trading]Hello!
This script serves to distinguish volume delta for any asset and open interest delta for Binance perpetual futures.
The image above provides further explanation of functionality and color correspondence.
The image above shows the indicator calculating volume at each tick level and displaying the metric.
The label color outline (neon effect) is configurable; the image above is absent the feature.
The image above shows Open Interest (OI) Delta calculated - similar to how the script calculates volume delta - for a Binance Perpetual Future pair.
This feature only works for Binance Futures pairs; the script will not load when trying to calculate OI Delta on other assets.
Additionally, a heatmap is displayable should you configure the indicator to calculate it.
The image above shows a heatmap using volume delta calculations.
The image above shows a heatmap using OI delta calculations.
Of course, these calculations - when absent requisite data - require some assumptions to better replicate calculations with access to requisite data.
The indicator assumes a 60/40 split when a tick level is traded at and only one metric - "buy volume" or "sell volume" is recorded. This means there shouldn't be any levels recorded where "buy volume" is greater than 0 and "sell volume" equals 0 and vice versa. While this assumption was performed arbitrarily, it may help better replicate volume delta and OI delta calculations seen on other charting platforms.
This option is configurable; you can select to have the script not assume a 60/40 split and instead record volume "as is" at the corresponding tick level.
The script also divides volume and open interest if a one-minute bar violates multiple tick levels. The volume or open interest generated on the one-minute bar will be divided by the number of tick levels it exceeds. The results are, subsequently, appended to the violated tick levels.
Further, the script can be set to recalculate after a user-defined time threshold is exceeded. You can also define the percentage or tick distance between levels.
Also, it'd be great if this indicator can nicely replicate volume delta indicators on other charting platforms. If you've any ideas on how price action can be used to better assume volume at the corresponding price area please let me know!
Thank you (:
Search in scripts for "volume profile"
Liquidity Sentiment Profile [LuxAlgo]The Liquidity Sentiment Profile is an advanced charting tool that measures by combining PRICE and VOLUME data over specified anchored periods and highlights within a sequence of profiles the distribution of the liquidity and the market sentiment at specific price levels.
The Liquidity Sentiment Profile allows traders to reveal significant price levels, dominant market sentiment, support and resistance levels, supply and demand zones, liquidity availability levels, liquidity gaps, consolidation zones, and more based on price and volume data.
Liquidity refers to the availability of orders at specific price levels in the market, allowing transactions to occur smoothly.
A Liquidity Sentiment Profile is a combination of a liquidity and a sentiment profile, where the right part of the profile displays the distribution of the traded activity at different price levels and the left part displays the market sentiment at those price levels.
The Liquidity Sentiment Profiles are visualized with different colors, where each color has a different meaning.
The Liquidity Sentiment Profiles aim to present Value Areas based on the significance of price levels, thus allowing users to identify value areas that can be formed more than once within the range of a single profile.
Level of Significance Line - displays the changes in the price levels with the highest traded activity (developing POC)
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and plots the profiles, where detailed usage for each user-defined input parameter in indicator settings is provided with the related input's tooltip.
🔹 Liquidity Sentiment Profiles
Anchor Period: The indicator resolution is set by the input of the Anchor Period, the default option is AUTO.
🔹 Liquidity Profile Settings
Liquidity Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Liquidity Profiles
High Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for High Traded Nodes
Average Traded Nodes: Color option for Average Traded Nodes
Low Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for Low Traded Nodes
🔹 Sentiment Profile Settings
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Sentiment Profiles
Bullish Nodes: Color option for Bullish Nodes
Bearish Nodes: Color option for Bearish Nodes
🔹 Other Settings
Level of Significance: Toggles the visibility of the Level of Significance Line
Profile Price Levels: Toggles the visibility of the Profile Price Levels
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows each profile histogram will have. Caution, having it set to high values will quickly hit Pine Script™ drawing objects limit and fewer historical profiles will be displayed
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the histogram, relative to the profile length
Profile Range Background Fill: Toggles the visibility of the Profiles Range
The amount of drawing objects that can be used is limited, as such using a high number of rows can display fewer historical profiles and occasionally incomplete profiles.
🔹 Buyside-Sellside-Liquidity
🔹 ICT-Concepts
🔹 Swing-Volume-Profiles
Volume/Market ProfileVolume/Market Profile is a 2 in 1 Volume Profile and Market Profile Indicator.
This indicator is my own calculations for compiling a volume profile and market profile.
The profile is progressively calculated live as the chart develops.
I have made use of both Boxes AND Lines to allow me to display a finer granularity profile by displaying up to twice the max amount of lines allowed in tradingview.
I have spent a lot of time to make sure the values are getting appended exactly as intended so that I can assure this profile is operating as precisely as possible within the limitations of the data available.
To make my calculations easier to use in other places, I have made my volume profile a function that can be extracted and used whenever you need values from a volume profile.
Feel free to read through the script if you don't understand how this profile is developed. I have made a commentary of my volume profile function to help you understand what exactly happens to compile the profiles.
As mentioned before, This indicator doubles as a market profile. To view both at the same time you will need to add the indicator on your chart twice.
I have built in comprehensive customizations to allow you to display your profiles however fits your needs.
Timeframe: The aggregation period for profiles, to see a 1 week profile, change the timeframe to 1 week.
Note: You can add custom timeframes by adding a custom timeframe in your chart timeframe dropdown menu. When you add timeframes in this area, they appear as options within indicators with the timeframe input.
Sensitivity: Allows for greater or less granularity changes. The calculation method for granularity automatically changes depending on the range of your chart.
Note: Multiply this value by 100 and that will be the max range (in ticks) of your price before the indicator automatically adjusts to make the profile less granular. (ex. If price ranges $1, and 1 tick is $0.01, granularity will be 0.01 with a sensitivity of 1+)
Value Area %: % of total volume to display as the value zone. (_% of total profile values are contained within the value zone)
Calculate as Market Profile: Uses a 1 Instead of the candle volume, to display a Market Profile. (If selected POC -> TPOC)
Display Size: Sets the # of bars from the profile axis to the profile's max value. If set negative, profile will be displayed left of axis, if positive, profile will be displayed to the right of the axis.
Display Offset: Sets the # of bars in front(or behind) the current chart bar to set the axis of the profile. If negative, the axis will be to the left of the current chart bar, if positive the axis will be right of the current chart bar.
Display Historical POC/VAH/VAL: Choose to display historical poc,vah,val lines.
Colors: I'm not explaining colors.
Realtime 5D Profile [LucF]█ OVERVIEW
This indicator displays a realtime profile that can be configured to visualize five dimensions: volume, price, time, activity and age. For each price level in a bar or timeframe, you can display total or delta volume or ticks. The tick count measures activity on a level. The thickness of each level's line indicates its age, which helps you identify the most recent levels.
The indicator only works in real time. Contrary to TradingView's line of volume profile indicators , it does not show anything on historical bars or closed markets, and it cannot display volume information if none exists for the data feed the chart is using. A realtime indicator such as this one only displays information accumulated while it is running on a chart. The information it calculates cannot be saved on charts, nor can it be recalculated from historical bars. If you refresh the chart, or the script must re-execute for some reason, as when you change inputs, the accumulated information will be lost.
Because "Realtime 5D Profile" requires time to accumulate information on the chart, it will be most useful to traders working on small timeframes who trade only one instrument and do not frequently change their chart's symbol or timeframe. Traders working on higher timeframes or constantly changing charts will be better served by TradingView's volume profiles. Before using this indicator, please see the "Limitations" section further down for other important information.
Load the indicator on an active chart (see here if you don't know how).
The default configuration displays:
• A double-sided volume profile showing at what price levels activity has occurred.
• The left side shows "down" volume, the right side shows "up" volume.
• The value corresponding to each level is displayed.
• The width of lines reflects their relative value.
• The thickness of lines reflects their age. Four thicknesses are used, with the thicker lines being the most recent.
• The total value of down/up values for the profile appears at the top.
To understand how to use profiles in your trading, please research the subject. Searches on "volume profile" or "market profile" will yield many useful results. I provide you with tools — I do not teach trading. To understand more about this indicator, read on. If you choose not to do so, please don't ask me to answer questions that are already answered here, nor to make videos; I don't.
Delta calculations
Volume is slotted in up or down slots depending on whether the price of each new chart update is higher or lower than the previous update's price. When price does not move between chart updates, the last known direction is used. In a perfect world, Pine scripts would have access to bid and ask levels, as this would allow us to know for sure if market orders are being filled on upticks (at the ask) or downticks (at the bid). Comparing the price of successive chart updates provides the most precise way to calculate volume delta on TradingView, but it is still a compromise. Order books are in constant movement; in some cases, order cancellations can cause sudden movements of both the bid and ask levels such that the next chart update can occur on an uptick at a lower price than the previous one (or vice versa). While this update's volume should be slotted in the up slot because a buy market order was filled, it will erroneously be slotted in the down slot because the price of the chart's update is lower than that of the previous one. Luckily, these conditions are relatively rare, so they should not adversely affect calculations.
A profile is a tool that displays information organized by price levels. You can select the maximum quantity of levels this indicator displays by using the script's "Levels" input. If the profile's height is small enough for level increments to be less than the symbol's tick size, a smaller quantity of levels is used until the profile's height grows sufficiently to allow your specified quantity of levels to be displayed. The exact position of levels is not tethered to the symbol's tick increments. Activity for one level is that which happens on either side of the level, halfway between its higher or lower levels. The lowest/highest levels in the profile thus appear higher/lower than the profile's low/high limits, which are determined by the lowest/highest points reached by price during the profile's life.
Level Values and Length
The profile's vertical structure is dynamic. As the profile's height changes with the price range, it is rebalanced and the price points of its levels may be recalculated. When this happens, past updates will be redistributed among the new profile's levels, and the level values may thus change. The new levels where updates are slotted will of course always be near past ones, but keep this fluidity in mind when watching level values evolve.
The profile's horizontal structure is also dynamic. The maximum length of level lines is controlled by the "Maximum line length" input value. This maximum length is always used for the largest level value in the profile, and the length of other levels is determined by their value relative to that maximum.
Updates vs Ticks
Strictly speaking, a tick is the record of a transaction between two parties. On TradingView, these are detected on seconds charts. On other charts, ticks are aggregated to form a chart update . I use the broader "update" term when it names both events. Note that, confusingly, tick is also used to name an instrument's minimal price increment.
Volume Quality
If you use volume, it's important to understand its nature and quality, as it varies with sectors and instruments. My Volume X-ray indicator is one way you can appraise the quality of an instrument's intraday volume.
Double-Sided Profiles
When you choose one of the first two configuration selections in the "Configuration" field's dropdown menu, you are asking the indicator to display a double-sided profile, i.e., where the down values appear on the left and the up ones on the right. In this mode, the formatting options in the top section of inputs apply to both sides of the profile.
Single-Sided Profiles
The six other selections down the "Configuration" field's dropdown menu select single-sided profiles, where one side aggregates the up/down values for either volume or ticks. In this mode, the formatting options in the top section of inputs apply to the left profile. The ones in the following "Right format" section apply to the right profile.
Calculation Mode
The "Calculation" input field allows the selection of one of two modes which applies to single-sided profiles only. Values can represent the simple total of volume or ticks at each level, or their delta. The mode has no effect when a double-sided profile is used because then, the total is represented by the sum of the left and right sides. Note that when totals are selected, all levels appear in the up color.
The age of each level is always displayed as one of four line thicknesses. Thicker lines are used for the youngest levels. The age of levels is determined by averaging the times of the updates composing that level. When viewing double-sided profiles, the age of each side is calculated independently, which entails you can have a down level on the left side of the profile appear thinner than its corresponding up side level line on the right side because the updates composing the up side are more recent. When calculating the age of single-sided profiles, the age of the up/down values aggregated to calculate the side are averaged. Since they may be different, the averaged level ages will not be as responsive as when using a double-sided profile configuration, where the age of levels on each side is calculated independently and follows price action more closely. Moreover, when displaying two single-sided profiles (volume on one side and ticks on the other), the age of both sides will match because they are calculated from the same realtime updates.
Profile Resets
The profile can reset on timeframes or trend changes. The usual timeframe selections are available, including the chart's, in which case the profile will reset on each new chart bar. One of two trend detection logics can be used: Supertrend or the one used by LazyBear in his Weis Wave indicator . Settings for the trend logics are in the bottommost section of the inputs, where you can also control the display of trend changes and states. Note that the "Timeframe" field's setting also applies to the trend detection mechanism. Whatever the timeframe used for trend detection, its logic will not repaint.
Formatting a profile for charts is often a challenge for traders, and this one is no exception. Varying zoom factors on your chart and the frequency of profile resets will require different profile formats. You can achieve a reasonable variety of effects by playing with the following input fields:
• "Resets on" controls how frequently new profiles are drawn. Spacing out profiles between bars can help make them more usable.
• "Levels" determines the maximum quantity of levels displayed.
• "Offset" allows you to shift the profile horizontally.
• "Profile size" affects the global size of the profile.
• Another "Size" field provides control over the size of the totals displayed above the profile.
• "Maximum line length" controls how far away from the center of the bar the lines will stretch left and right.
The color and brightness of levels and totals always allows you to determine the winning side between up and down values. On double-sided profiles, each side is always of one color, since the left side is down values and the right side, up values. However, the losing side is colored with half its brightness, so the emphasis is put on the winning side. When there is no winner, the toned-down version of each color is used for both sides. Single-sided profiles use the up and down colors in full brightness on the same side. Which one is used reflects the winning side.
The indicator can color candle bodies and borders independently. If you choose to do so, you may want to disable the chart's bars by using the eye icon near the symbol's name.
A tooltip showing the value of each level is available. If they do not appear when hovering over levels, select the indicator by clicking on its chart name. This should get the tooltips working.
Data Window
As usual, I provide key values in the Data Window, so you can track them. If you compare total realtime volumes for the profile and the built-in "Volume" indicator, you may see variations at some points. They are due to the different mechanisms running each program. In my experience, the values from the built-in don't always update as often as those of the profile, but they eventually catch up.
• The levels do not appear exactly at the position they are calculated. They are positioned slightly lower than their actual price levels.
• Drawing a 20-level double-sided profile with totals requires 42 labels. The script will only display the last 500 labels,
so the number of levels you choose affects how many past profiles will remain visible.
• The script is quite taxing, which will sometimes make the chart's tab less responsive.
• When you first load the indicator on a chart, it will begin calculating from that moment; it will not take into account prior chart activity.
• If you let the script run long enough when using profile reset criteria that make profiles last for a long time, the script will eventually run out of memory,
as it will be tracking unmanageable amounts of chart updates. I don't know the exact quantity of updates that will cause this,
but the script can handle upwards of 60K updates per profile, which should last 1D except on the most active markets. You can follow the number of updates in the Data Window.
• The indicator's nature makes it more useful at very small timeframes, typically in the sub 15min realm.
• The Weis Wave trend detection used here has nothing to do with how David Weis detects trend changes.
LazyBear's version was a port of a port, so we are a few generations removed from the Weis technique, which uses reversals by a price unit.
I believe the version used here is useful nonetheless because it complements Supertrend rather well.
The aggregated view that volume and tick profiles calculate for traders is a good example of one of the most useful things software can do for traders: look at things from a methodical, mathematical perspective, and present results in a meaningful way. Profiles are powerful because, if the volume data they use is of good enough quality, they tell us what levels are important for traders, regardless of the nature or rationality of the methods traders have used to determine those levels. Profiles don't care whether traders use the news, fundamentals, Fib numbers, pivots, or the phases of the moon to find "their" levels. They don't attempt to forecast or explain markets. They show us real stuff containing zero uncertainty, i.e., what HAS happened. I like this.
The indicator's "VPAA" chart name represents four of the five dimensions the indicator displays: volume, price, activity and age. The time dimension is implied by the fact it's a profile — and I couldn't find a proper place for a "T" in there )
I have not included alerts in the script. I may do so in the future.
For the moment, I have no plans to write a profile indicator that works on historical bars. TradingView's volume profiles already do that, and they run much faster than Pine versions could, so I don't see the point in spending efforts on a poor ersatz.
For Pine Coders
• The script uses labels that draw varying quantities of characters to break the limitation constraining other Pine plots/lines to bar boundaries.
• The code's structure was optimized for performance. When it was feasible, global arrays, "input" and other variables were used from functions,
sacrificing function readability and portability for speed. Code was also repeated in some places, to avoid the overhead of frequent function calls in high-traffic areas.
• I wrote my script using the revised recommendations in the Style Guide from the Pine v5 User Manual.
• To Duyck for his function that sorts an array while keeping it in synch with another array.
The `sortTwoArrays()` function in my script is derived from the Pine Wizard 's code.
• To the one and only Maestro, RicardoSantos , the creative volcano who worked hard to write a function to produce fixed-width, figure space-padded numeric values.
A change in design made the function unnecessary in this script, but I am grateful to you nonetheless.
• To midtownskr8guy , another Pine Wizard who is also a wizard with colors. I use the colors from his Pine Color Magic and Chart Theme Simulator constantly.
• Finally, thanks to users of my earlier "Delta Volume" scripts. Comments and discussions with them encouraged me to persist in figuring out how to achieve what this indicator does.
Money Flow Profile [LuxAlgo]The Money Flow Profile is a charting tool that measures the traded volume or the money flow at all price levels on the market over a specified time period and highlights the relationship between the price of a given asset and the willingness of traders to either buy or sell it, allowing traders to reveal dominant and/or significant price levels and to analyze the trading activity of a particular user-selected range.
This tool combines a volume/money flow profile, a sentiment profile, and price levels, where the right side of the profile highlights the distribution of the traded activity/money flow at different price levels, the left side of the profile highlights the market sentiment at those price levels, and in the middle the price levels.
A volume/money flow profile is an advanced charting tool that displays the traded volume/money flow at different price levels over a specific period. It helps traders visualize where the majority of trading activity/money flow has occurred.
A sentiment profile is a difference between buy and sell volume/money flow aiming to highlight the sentiment/dominance at specific price levels.
Each row of the profile presents figures on volume and money flow specific to price levels.
High volume/money flow nodes indicate areas of high activity and are likely to act as support or resistance in the future. They attract price and try to hold it there. Conversely, low-volume nodes are areas with low trading activity, that are less subject to get revisited by the price. The market often bounces right over these levels, not staying for long. The "Profile Heatmap" option of the script helps to better emphasize the trading activity within each areas.
By measuring the traded activity at each price level the script presents an ability to highlight the consolidation zones, in other words, highlights accumulation and distribution zones. When the price moves toward one end of the consolidation and volume pick up, it can foreshadow a potential breakout.
Level of Significance, Point of Control, Highest Sentiment Zone, and Profile Price levels are some of the other profile-related options available with the script.
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and plots the profiles, where detailed usage for each user-defined input parameter in indicator settings is provided with the related input's tooltip.
🔹 Profile Generic Settings
Lookback Length / Fixed Range: Sets the lookback length.
Profile Source: Sets the profile source, Volume, or Money Flow.
🔹 Profile Presentation Settings
Volume/Money Flow Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Volume/Money Flow Profile.
High Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for high traded nodes.
Average Traded Nodes: Color option for average traded nodes.
Low Traded Nodes: Threshold and Color option for low traded nodes.
🔹 Sentiment Profile Settings
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Sentiment Profile.
Sentiment Polarity Method: Sets the method used to calculate the up/down volume/money flow.
Bullish Nodes: Color option for Bullish Nodes.
Bearish Nodes: Color option for Bearish Nodes.
🔹 Profile Heatmap Settings
Profile Heatmap: Toggles the visibility of the profile heatmap.
Heatmap Source: Sets the source of the profile heatmap, Volume/Money Flow Profile, or Sentiment Profile.
Heatmap Transparency: Control the transparency of the profile heatmap.
🔹 Other Presentation Settings
Level of Significance: Toggles the visibility of the level of significance line/zone.
Consolidation Zones: Toggles the visibility of the consolidation zones.
Consolidation Threshold, Color: Sets the threshold value and zone color.
Highest Sentiment Zone: Toggles the visibility of the highest bullish or bearish sentiment zone.
Profile Price Levels, Color, Size: Toggles the visibility of the profile price levels, and sets the color and the size of the level labels.
Profile Range Background Fill: Toggles the visibility of the profiles range.
🔹 Other Settings
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows each profile histogram will have.
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the histogram, relative to the profile length
Profile Text Size: Alters the size of the text. Setting to Auto will keep the text within the box limits.
Profile Horizontal Offset: Enables to move profile in the horizontal axis.
For more and other conceptual scripts you are kindly invited to visit LuxAlgo-Scripts .
lib_smcLibrary "lib_smc"
This is an adaptation of LuxAlgo's Smart Money Concepts indicator with numerous changes. Main changes include integration of object based plotting, plenty of performance improvements, live tracking of Order Blocks, integration of volume profiles to refine Order Blocks, and many more.
This is a library for developers, if you want this converted into a working strategy, let me know.
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (float)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (int)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
buffer(item, len, force_rotate)
item (Profile type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
len (int)
force_rotate (bool)
INTERNAL: detect swing points (HH and LL) in given range
len (simple int) : range to check for new swing points
Returns: values are the price level where and if a new HH or LL was detected, else na
method init(this)
Namespace types: OrderBlockConfig
this (OrderBlockConfig)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
this (OrderBlock)
method clear_broken(this, broken_buffer)
INTERNAL: delete internal order blocks box coordinates if top/bottom is broken
Namespace types: map
this (map)
broken_buffer (map)
Returns: any_bull_ob_broken, any_bear_ob_broken, broken signals are true if an according order block was broken/mitigated, broken contains the broken block(s)
create_ob(id, mode, start_t, start_i, top, end_t, end_i, bottom, break_price, early_confirmation_price, config, init_plot, force_overlay)
INTERNAL: set internal order block coordinates
id (int)
mode (int) : 1: bullish, -1 bearish block
start_t (int)
start_i (int)
top (float)
end_t (int)
end_i (int)
bottom (float)
break_price (float)
early_confirmation_price (float)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
Returns: signals are true if an according order block was broken/mitigated
method align_to_profile(block, align_edge, align_break_price)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
align_edge (bool)
align_break_price (bool)
method create_profile(block, opens, tops, bottoms, closes, values, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, args, init_calculated, init_plot, force_overlay)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
opens (array)
tops (array)
bottoms (array)
closes (array)
values (array)
resolution (int)
vah_pc (float)
val_pc (float)
args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
init_calculated (bool)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
method create_profile(block, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, args, init_calculated, init_plot, force_overlay)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
block (OrderBlock)
resolution (int)
vah_pc (float)
val_pc (float)
args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
init_calculated (bool)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
track_obs(swing_len, hh, ll, top, btm, bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, bear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, min_block_size, max_block_size, config_bull, config_bear, init_plot, force_overlay, enabled, extend_blocks, clear_broken_buffer_before, align_edge_to_value_area, align_break_price_to_poc, profile_args_bull, profile_args_bear, use_soft_confirm, soft_confirm_offset, use_retracements_with_FVG_out)
swing_len (int)
hh (float)
ll (float)
top (float)
btm (float)
bull_bos_alert (bool)
bull_choch_alert (bool)
bear_bos_alert (bool)
bear_choch_alert (bool)
min_block_size (float)
max_block_size (float)
config_bull (OrderBlockConfig)
config_bear (OrderBlockConfig)
init_plot (bool)
force_overlay (bool)
enabled (bool)
extend_blocks (simple bool)
clear_broken_buffer_before (simple bool)
align_edge_to_value_area (simple bool)
align_break_price_to_poc (simple bool)
profile_args_bull (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
profile_args_bear (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
use_soft_confirm (simple bool)
soft_confirm_offset (float)
use_retracements_with_FVG_out (simple bool)
method draw(this, config, extend_only)
Namespace types: OrderBlock
this (OrderBlock)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
extend_only (bool)
method draw(blocks, config)
INTERNAL: plot order blocks
Namespace types: array
blocks (array)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
method draw(blocks, config)
INTERNAL: plot order blocks
Namespace types: map
blocks (map)
config (OrderBlockConfig)
method cleanup(this, ob_bull, ob_bear)
removes all Profiles that are older than the latest OrderBlock from this profile buffer
Namespace types: array
this (array type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
ob_bull (OrderBlock)
ob_bear (OrderBlock)
_plot_swing_points(mode, x, y, show_swing_points, linecolor_swings, keep_history, show_latest_swings_levels, trail_x, trail_y, trend)
INTERNAL: plot swing points
mode (int) : 1: bullish, -1 bearish block
x (int) : x-coordingate of swing point to plot (bar_index)
y (float) : y-coordingate of swing point to plot (price)
show_swing_points (bool) : switch to enable/disable plotting of swing point labels
linecolor_swings (color) : color for swing point labels and lates level lines
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
show_latest_swings_levels (bool)
trail_x (int) : x-coordinate for latest swing point (bar_index)
trail_y (float) : y-coordinate for latest swing point (price)
trend (int) : the current trend 1: bullish, -1: bearish, to determine Strong/Weak Low/Highs
_pivot_lvl(mode, trend, hhll_x, hhll, super_hhll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks)
INTERNAL: detect whether a structural level has been broken and if it was in trend direction (BoS) or against trend direction (ChoCh), also track the latest high and low swing points
mode (simple int) : detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish pivot points
trend (int) : current trend direction
hhll_x (int) : x-coordinate of newly detected hh/ll (bar_index)
hhll (float) : y-coordinate of newly detected hh/ll (price)
super_hhll (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior hhll (if this is an internal structure pivot level)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool) : if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
Returns: coordinates of internal structure that has been broken (x,y): start of structure, (trail_x, trail_y): tracking hh/ll after structure break, (bos_alert, choch_alert): signal whether a structural level has been broken
_plot_structure(x, y, is_bos, is_choch, line_color, line_style, label_style, label_size, keep_history)
INTERNAL: plot structural breaks (BoS/ChoCh)
x (int) : x-coordinate of newly broken structure (bar_index)
y (float) : y-coordinate of newly broken structure (price)
is_bos (bool) : whether this structural break was in trend direction
is_choch (bool) : whether this structural break was against trend direction
line_color (color) : color for the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
line_style (string) : style (line.style_dashed/solid) for the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
label_style (string) : style (label.style_label_down/up) for the label above/below the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
label_size (string) : size (size.small/tiny) for the label above/below the line connecting the structural level and the breaking candle
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
structure_values(length, super_hh, super_ll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
length (simple int) : lookback period for swing point detection
super_hh (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior hh (for internal structure detection)
super_ll (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior ll (for internal structure detection)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool) : if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
Returns: trend: direction 1:bullish -1:bearish, (bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, top_x, top_y, trail_up_x, trail_up): whether and which level broke in a bullish direction, trailing high, (bbear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, tm_x, btm_y, trail_dn_x, trail_dn): same in bearish direction
structure_plot(trend, bull_bos_alert, bull_choch_alert, top_x, top_y, trail_up_x, trail_up, hh, bear_bos_alert, bear_choch_alert, btm_x, btm_y, trail_dn_x, trail_dn, ll, color_bull, color_bear, show_swing_points, show_latest_swings_levels, show_bos, show_choch, line_style, label_size, keep_history)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
trend (int) : crrent trend 1: bullish, -1: bearish
bull_bos_alert (bool) : if there was a bullish bos alert -> plot it
bull_choch_alert (bool) : if there was a bullish choch alert -> plot it
top_x (int) : latest shwing high x
top_y (float) : latest swing high y
trail_up_x (int) : trailing high x
trail_up (float) : trailing high y
hh (float) : if there was a higher high
bear_bos_alert (bool) : if there was a bearish bos alert -> plot it
bear_choch_alert (bool) : if there was a bearish chock alert -> plot it
btm_x (int) : latest swing low x
btm_y (float) : latest swing low y
trail_dn_x (int) : trailing low x
trail_dn (float) : trailing low y
ll (float) : if there was a lower low
color_bull (color) : color for bullish BoS/ChoCh levels
color_bear (color) : color for bearish BoS/ChoCh levels
show_swing_points (bool) : whether to plot swing point labels
show_latest_swings_levels (bool) : whether to track and plot latest swing point levels with lines
show_bos (bool) : whether to plot BoS levels
show_choch (bool) : whether to plot ChoCh levels
line_style (string) : whether to plot BoS levels
label_size (string) : label size of plotted BoS/ChoCh levels
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
structure(length, color_bull, color_bear, super_hh, super_ll, filter_insignificant_internal_breaks, show_swing_points, show_latest_swings_levels, show_bos, show_choch, line_style, label_size, keep_history, enabled)
detect (and plot) structural breaks and the resulting new trend
length (simple int) : lookback period for swing point detection
color_bull (color) : color for bullish BoS/ChoCh levels
color_bear (color) : color for bearish BoS/ChoCh levels
super_hh (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior hh (for internal structure detection)
super_ll (float) : level/y-coordinate of superior ll (for internal structure detection)
filter_insignificant_internal_breaks (bool) : if true pivot points / internal structure will be ignored where the wick in trend direction is longer than the opposite (likely to push further in direction of main trend)
show_swing_points (bool) : whether to plot swing point labels
show_latest_swings_levels (bool) : whether to track and plot latest swing point levels with lines
show_bos (bool) : whether to plot BoS levels
show_choch (bool) : whether to plot ChoCh levels
line_style (string) : whether to plot BoS levels
label_size (string) : label size of plotted BoS/ChoCh levels
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
enabled (bool)
_check_equal_level(mode, len, eq_threshold, enabled)
INTERNAL: detect equal levels (double top/bottom)
mode (int) : detect 1: bullish/high, -1 bearish/low pivot points
len (int) : lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
eq_threshold (float) : maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
enabled (bool)
Returns: eq_alert whether an equal level was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point
_plot_equal_level(show_eq, x1, y1, x2, y2, label_txt, label_style, label_size, line_color, line_style, keep_history)
INTERNAL: plot equal levels (double top/bottom)
show_eq (bool) : whether to plot the level or not
x1 (int) : x-coordinate of the first level / swing point
y1 (float) : y-coordinate of the first level / swing point
x2 (int) : x-coordinate of the second level / swing point
y2 (float) : y-coordinate of the second level / swing point
label_txt (string) : text for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
label_style (string) : style (label.style_label_down/up) for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
label_size (string) : size (size.tiny) for the label above/below the line connecting the equal levels
line_color (color) : color for the line connecting the equal levels (and it's label)
line_style (string) : style (line.style_dotted) for the line connecting the equal levels
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
equal_levels_values(len, threshold, enabled)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom), returns coordinates
len (int) : lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
threshold (float) : maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
Returns: (eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2) whether an equal high was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point, (eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2) same for equal lows
equal_levels_plot(eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2, color_eqh, color_eql, show, keep_history)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom), returns coordinates
eqh_x1 (int) : coordinates of first point of equal high
eqh_y1 (float) : coordinates of first point of equal high
eqh_x2 (int) : coordinates of second point of equal high
eqh_y2 (float) : coordinates of second point of equal high
eql_x1 (int) : coordinates of first point of equal low
eql_y1 (float) : coordinates of first point of equal low
eql_x2 (int) : coordinates of second point of equal low
eql_y2 (float) : coordinates of second point of equal low
color_eqh (color) : color for the line connecting the equal highs (and it's label)
color_eql (color) : color for the line connecting the equal lows (and it's label)
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
Returns: (eqh_alert, eqh_x1, eqh_y1, eqh_x2, eqh_y2) whether an equal high was detected and coordinates of the first and the second level/swing point, (eql_alert, eql_x1, eql_y1, eql_x2, eql_y2) same for equal lows
equal_levels(len, threshold, color_eqh, color_eql, enabled, show, keep_history)
detect (and plot) equal levels (double top/bottom)
len (int) : lookback period for equal level (swing point) detection
threshold (float) : maximum price offset for a level to be considered equal
color_eqh (color) : color for the line connecting the equal highs (and it's label)
color_eql (color) : color for the line connecting the equal lows (and it's label)
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
keep_history (bool) : weater to remove older swing point labels and only keep the most recent
Returns: (eqh_alert) whether an equal high was detected, (eql_alert) same for equal lows
_detect_fvg(mode, enabled, o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf)
INTERNAL: detect FVG (fair value gap)
mode (int) : detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish gaps
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
o (float) : reference source open
h (float) : reference source high
l (float) : reference source low
c (float) : reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool) : whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool) : signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
Returns: whether a new FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels
_clear_broken_fvg(mode, upper_boxes, lower_boxes)
INTERNAL: clear mitigated FVGs (fair value gaps)
mode (int) : detect 1: bullish, -1 bearish gaps
upper_boxes (array) : array that stores the upper parts of the FVG boxes
lower_boxes (array) : array that stores the lower parts of the FVG boxes
_plot_fvg(mode, show, top, mid, btm, border_color, extend_box)
INTERNAL: plot (and clear broken) FVG (fair value gap)
mode (int) : plot 1: bullish, -1 bearish gap
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
top (float) : top level of fvg
mid (float) : center level of fvg
btm (float) : bottom level of fvg
border_color (color) : color for the FVG box
extend_box (int) : how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
fvgs_values(o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf, enabled)
detect (and plot / clear broken) FVGs (fair value gaps), and return alerts and level values
o (float) : reference source open
h (float) : reference source high
l (float) : reference source low
c (float) : reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool) : whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool) : signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
Returns: (bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm): whether a new bullish FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels, (bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm): same for bearish FVGs
fvgs_plot(bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm, bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm, color_bull, color_bear, extend_box, show)
bullish_fvg_alert (bool)
bull_top (float)
bull_mid (float)
bull_btm (float)
bearish_fvg_alert (bool)
bear_top (float)
bear_mid (float)
bear_btm (float)
color_bull (color) : color for bullish FVG boxes
color_bear (color) : color for bearish FVG boxes
extend_box (int) : how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
Returns: (bullish_fvg_alert, bull_top, bull_mid, bull_btm): whether a new bullish FVG was detected and its top/mid/bottom levels, (bearish_fvg_alert, bear_top, bear_mid, bear_btm): same for bearish FVGs
fvgs(o, h, l, c, filter_insignificant_fvgs, change_tf, color_bull, color_bear, extend_box, enabled, show)
detect (and plot / clear broken) FVGs (fair value gaps)
o (float) : reference source open
h (float) : reference source high
l (float) : reference source low
c (float) : reference source close
filter_insignificant_fvgs (bool) : whether to calculate and filter small/insignificant gaps
change_tf (bool) : signal when the previous reference timeframe closed, triggers new calculation
color_bull (color) : color for bullish FVG boxes
color_bear (color) : color for bearish FVG boxes
extend_box (int) : how many bars into the future the FVG box should be extended after detection
enabled (bool) : whether detection is enabled
show (bool) : whether plotting is enabled
Returns: (bullish_fvg_alert): whether a new bullish FVG was detected, (bearish_fvg_alert): same for bearish FVGs
id (series int)
dir (series int)
left_top (chart.point)
right_bottom (chart.point)
break_price (series float)
early_confirmation_price (series float)
ltf_high (array)
ltf_low (array)
ltf_volume (array)
plot (Box type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
profile (Profile type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
trailing (series bool)
extending (series bool)
awaiting_confirmation (series bool)
touched_break_price_before_confirmation (series bool)
soft_confirmed (series bool)
has_fvg_out (series bool)
hidden (series bool)
broken (series bool)
show (series bool)
show_last (series int)
show_id (series bool)
show_profile (series bool)
args (BoxArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
txt (series string)
txt_args (BoxTextArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
delete_when_broken (series bool)
broken_args (BoxArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
broken_txt (series string)
broken_txt_args (BoxTextArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/49)
broken_profile_args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
use_profile (series bool)
profile_args (ProfileArgs type from robbatt/lib_profile/32)
Supply Demand Profiles [LuxAlgo]The Supply Demand Profiles is a charting tool that measures the traded volume at all price levels on the market over a specified time period and highlights the relationship between the price of a given asset and the willingness of traders to either buy or sell it, in other words, highlights key concepts as significant supply & demand zones, the distribution of the traded volume, and market sentiment at specific price levels within a specified time period, allowing traders to reveal dominant and/or significant price levels and to analyze the trading activity of a particular user-selected range.
In other words, this tool highlights key concepts as significant supply & demand zones, the distribution of the traded volume, and market sentiment at specific price levels within a specified time period, allowing traders to reveal dominant and/or significant price levels and to analyze the trading activity of a particular user-selected range.
Besides having the tool as a combo tool, the uniqueness of this version of the tool compared to its early versions is its ability to benefit from different volume data sources and its ability to use a variety of different polarity methods, where polarity is a measure used to divide the total volume into either up volume (trades that moved the price up) or down volume (trades that moved the price down).
Supply & demand zones are presented as horizontal zones across the selected range, hence adding the ability to visualize the price interaction with them
By default, the right side of the profile is the volume profile which highlights the distribution of the traded activity at different price levels, emphasizing the value area, the range of price levels in which the specified percentage of all volume was traded during the time period, and levels of significance, such as developing point of control line, value area high/low lines, and profile high/low labels
The left side of the profile is the sentiment profile which highlights the market sentiment at specific price levels
🔹 Volume data sources
The users have the option to select volume data sources as either 'volume' (regular volume) or 'volume delta', where volume represents all the recorded trades that occur at a given bar and volume delta is the difference between the buying and the selling volume, that is, the net demand at a given bar
🔹 Polarity methods
The users are able to choose the methods of how the tool to take into consideration the polarity of the bar (the direction of a bar, green (bullish) or red (bearish) bar) among a variety of different options, such as 'bar polarity', 'bar buying/selling pressure', 'intrabar (chart bars at a lower timeframe than the chart's) polarity', 'intrabar buying/selling pressure', and 'heikin ashi bar polarity'.
Finally, the interactive mode of the tool is activated, as such users can easily modify the intervals of their interest just by selecting the indicator and moving the points on the chart
The script takes into account user-defined parameters and plots the profiles and zones
🔹 Calculation Settings
Volume Data Source and Polarity: This option is to set the desired volume data source and polarity method
Lower Timeframe Precision: This option is applicable in case any of the 'Intrabar (LTF)' options are selected, please check the tooltip for further details
Value Area Volume %: Specifies the percentage for the value area calculation
🔹 Presentation Settings
Supply & Demand Zones: Toggles the visibility of the supply & demand zones
Volume Profile: Toggles the visibility of the volume profile
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the sentiment profile
🔹 Presentation, Others
Value Area High (VAH): Toggles the visibility of the VAH line and color customization option
Point of Control (POC): Toggles the visibility of the developing POC line and color customization option
Value Area Low (VAL): Toggles the visibility of the VAL line and color customization option
🔹 Supply & Demand, Others
Supply & Demand Threshold %: This option is used to set the threshold value to determine supply & demand zones
Supply/Demand Zones: Color customization option
🔹 Volume Profile, Others
Profile, Up/Down Volume: Color customization option
Value Area, Up/Down Volume: Color customization option
🔹 Sentiment Profile, Others
Sentiment, Bullish/Bearish: Color customization option
Value Area, Bullish/Bearish: Color customization option
🔹 Others
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows the profile will have
Placment: Specify where to display the profile
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the profile, relative to the profile range
Profile Price Levels: Toggles the visibility of the profile price levels
Profile Background, Color: Fills the background of the profile range
Value Area Background, Color: Fills the background of the value area range
Start Calculation/End Calculation: The tool is interactive, where the user may modify the range by selecting the indicator and moving the points on the chart or can set the start/end time using these options
Delta Flow Profile [LuxAlgo]The Delta Flow Profile is a charting tool that tracks and visualizes money flow and the difference between buying and selling pressure accumulated within multiple price ranges over a specified period. It reveals the relationship between an asset's price and traders' willingness to buy or sell, helping traders identify significant price levels and analyze market activity.
The Normalized Profile displays the percentage of money flow at each price level relative to the maximum money flow level, enabling traders to easily compare levels and understand the relative importance of each price point in the context of overall trading activity.
The Delta Flow Profile is made of two principal components with different usability, each one of them described in the sub-sections below.
🔹 Money Flow Profile
The Money Flow Profile illustrates the total buying and selling activity at different price ranges. By analyzing this profile, users can identify key price zones with substantial buying or selling pressure. These zones can often act as potential support or resistance.
The rows of the Money Flow Profile represent the trading activity at specific price ranges over a given period.
A normalized profile is included to compare each zone relative to the peak money flow using a percentage, with 100% indicating that a price range is the one with the highest accumulated money flow.
🔹 Delta Profile
The Delta Profile assesses the dominant sentiment (buying or selling) from volume delta at different price levels to gauge market sentiment and potential reversals.
Delta Profile rows with more significant buying or selling volume indicate dominance from one side of the market in that specific price area. Price coming back to that area might indicate willingness from a dominant side to further accumulate orders within it, potentially causing price to follow the direction established by this dominant side afterward.
The volume delta is determined from the user-selected Polarity Method, with "Bar Polarity" using candle sentiment to determine if a bar associated volume is buying or selling volume, and "Bar Buying/Selling Pressure" making use of the high/low price to obtain more precise results.
🔹 Level of Significance
Users can quickly highlight the price levels with the highest recorded money flow activity through the included "Level of Significance". Various display methods are included:
Developing: Show the price level with the highest recorded money flow activity spanning over the indicator calculation interval.
Level: Show the price level with the highest recorded money flow activity.
Row: Show the price zone with the highest recorded money flow activity.
These levels/zones can be used as potential support/resistance points and can serve as a reference of where prices might go next for market participants to accumulate orders.
The script offers a range of customizable settings to tailor the analysis to your trading needs.
🔹 Calculation Settings
Money Flow Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Money Flow Profile.
Normalized: Toggles the visibility of the Normalized Profile.
Sentiment Profile: Toggles the visibility of the Sentiment Profile.
Polarity Method: Choose between Bar Polarity or Bar Buying/Selling Pressure to calculate the Sentiment Profile.
Level of Significance: Toggles the visibility of the level of significance line/zone.
Lookback Length / Fixed Range: Sets the lookback length.
Number of Rows: Specify how many rows each profile histogram will have.
🔹 Display Settings
Profile Width %: Alters the width of the rows in the histogram, relative to the profile length.
Profile Horizontal Offset: Enables moving the profile on the horizontal axis.
Profile Text: Toggles the visibility of profile texts, and alters the size of the text. Setting to Auto will keep the text within the box limits.
Currency: Extends the profile text with the traded currency.
Profile Price Levels: Toggles the visibility of the profile price levels.
Historic Volume/Market ProfilesHistoric Volume/Market Profile is a Periodic Volume Profile with all of the improvements known in the original Volume/Market Profile.
VMP is a 2 in 1 Volume and Market Profile Indicator.
HVMP uses the base of VMP to offer a quick and simple view at multiple historic profiles at the same time.
This includes:
Cluster Identification for High Volume and Low Volume Areas.
Maximizing granularity by utilizing boxes and lines to get up to 1000 rows.
New Inclusions in HVMP vs VMP:
HVMP granularity is determined by the # of profiles on display. By doing this, each profile will get an even amount of allocated rows to use and granularity is scaled per-profile, to fit within the row allowance.
For Example: 1000/(# of profiles) = Maximum # of rows per profile.
HVMP introduces the "Auto-Scale" Option (on by Default), this automatically fits each profile within the defined timeframe period to provide a consistent display when switching timeframes.
Even with "Auto-Scale" enabled, "Display Size" dictates which direction the profile is displayed.
Below is a Negative Display Size (Displays from right to left, starting at the end of the period)
Below is a Positive Display Size (Displays from left to right, starting at the beginning of the period)
HVMP is only for historical data, you can get a live profile with the same Node Identification using VMP (Volume Market/Profile). The indicator that this one is based on.
Find it Here: Volume/Market Profile
Waindrops [Makit0]█ OVERALL
Plot waindrops (custom volume profiles) on user defined periods, for each period you get high and low, it slices each period in half to get independent vwap, volume profile and the volume traded per price at each half.
It works on intraday charts only, up to 720m (12H). It can plot balanced or unbalanced waindrops, and volume profiles up to 24H sessions.
As example you can setup unbalanced periods to get independent volume profiles for the overnight and cash sessions on the futures market, or 24H periods to get the full session volume profile of EURUSD
The purpose of this indicator is twofold:
1 — from a Chartist point of view, to have an indicator which displays the volume in a more readable way
2 — from a Pine Coder point of view, to have an example of use for two very powerful tools on Pine Script:
• the recently updated drawing limit to 500 (from 50)
• the recently ability to use drawings arrays (lines and labels)
If you are new to Pine Script and you are learning how to code, I hope you read all the code and comments on this indicator, all is designed for you,
the variables and functions names, the sometimes too big explanations, the overall structure of the code, all is intended as an example on how to code
in Pine Script a specific indicator from a very good specification in form of white paper
If you wanna learn Pine Script form scratch just start HERE
In case you have any kind of problem with Pine Script please use some of the awesome resources at our disposal: USRMAN , REFMAN , AWESOMENESS , MAGIC
Waindrops are a different way of seeing the volume and price plotted in a chart, its a volume profile indicator where you can see the volume of each price level
plotted as a vertical histogram for each half of a custom period. By default the period is 60 so it plots an independent volume profile each 30m
You can think of each waindrop as an user defined candlestick or bar with four key values:
• high of the period
• low of the period
• left vwap (volume weighted average price of the first half period)
• right vwap (volume weighted average price of the second half period)
The waindrop can have 3 different colors (configurable by the user):
• GREEN: when the right vwap is higher than the left vwap (bullish sentiment )
• RED: when the right vwap is lower than the left vwap (bearish sentiment )
• BLUE: when the right vwap is equal than the left vwap ( neutral sentiment )
• Help menu
• Custom periods
• Central bars
• Left/Right VWAPs
• Custom central bars and vwaps: color and pixels
• Highly configurable volume histogram: execution window, ticks, pixels, color, update frequency and fine tuning the neutral meaning
• Volume labels with custom size and color
• Tracking price dot to be able to see the current price when you hide your default candlesticks or bars
Click here or set any impar period to see the HELP INFO : show the HELP INFO, if it is activated the indicator will not plot
PERIOD SIZE (max 2880 min) : waindrop size in minutes, default 60, max 2880 to allow the first half of a 48H period as a full session volume profile
BARS : show the central and vwap bars, default true
Central bars : show the central bars, default true
VWAP bars : show the left and right vwap bars, default true
Bars pixels : width of the bars in pixels, default 2
Bars color mode : bars color behavior
• BARS : gets the color from the 'Bars color' option on the settings panel
• HISTOGRAM : gets the color from the Bearish/Bullish/Neutral Histogram color options from the settings panel
Bars color : color for the central and vwap bars, default white
HISTOGRAM show the volume histogram, default true
Execution window (x24H) : last 24H periods where the volume funcionality will be plotted, default 5
Ticks per bar (max 50) : width in ticks of each histogram bar, default 2
Updates per period : number of times the histogram will update
• ONE : update at the last bar of the period
• TWO : update at the last bar of each half period
• FOUR : slice the period in 4 quarters and updates at the last bar of each of them
• EACH BAR : updates at the close of each bar
Pixels per bar : width in pixels of each histogram bar, default 4
Neutral Treshold (ticks) : delta in ticks between left and right vwaps to identify a waindrop as neutral, default 0
Bearish Histogram color : histogram color when right vwap is lower than left vwap, default red
Bullish Histogram color : histogram color when right vwap is higher than left vwap, default green
Neutral Histogram color : histogram color when the delta between right and left vwaps is equal or lower than the Neutral treshold, default blue
VOLUME LABELS : show volume labels
Volume labels color : color for the volume labels, default white
Volume Labels size : text size for the volume labels, choose between AUTO, TINY, SMALL, NORMAL or LARGE, default TINY
TRACK PRICE : show a yellow ball tracking the last price, default true
This indicator only works on intraday charts (minutes only) up to 12H (720m), the lower chart timeframe you can use is 1m
This indicator needs price, time and volume to work, it will not work on an index (there is no volume), the execution will not be allowed
The histogram (volume profile) can be plotted on 24H sessions as limit but you can plot several 24H sessions
Depending on the choosed settings, the script performance will be highly affected and it will experience errors
Two of the more common errors it can throw are:
• Calculation takes too long to execute
• Loop takes too long
The indicator performance is highly related to the underlying volatility (tick wise), the script takes each candlestick or bar and for each tick in it stores the price and volume, if the ticker in your chart has thousands and thousands of ticks per bar the indicator will throw an error for sure, it can not calculate in time such amount of ticks.
What all of that means? Simply put, this will throw error on the BITCOIN pair BTCUSD (high volatility with tick size 0.01) because it has too many ticks per bar, but lucky you it will work just fine on the futures contract BTC1! (tick size 5) because it has a lot less ticks per bar
There are some options you can fine tune to boost the script performance, the more demanding option in terms of resources consumption is Updates per period , by default is maxed out so lowering this setting will improve the performance in a high way.
If you wanna know more about how to improve the script performance, read the HELP INFO accessible from the settings panel
The basic parameters to adjust are Period size , Ticks per bar and Pixels per bar
• Period size is the main setting, defines the waindrop size, to get a better looking histogram set bigger period and smaller chart timeframe
• Ticks per bar is the tricky one, adjust it differently for each underlying (ticker) volatility wise, for some you will need a low value, for others a high one.
To get a more accurate histogram set it as lower as you can (min value is 1)
• Pixels per bar allows you to adjust the width of each histogram bar, with it you can adjust the blank space between them or allow overlaping
You must play with these three parameters until you obtain the desired histogram: smoother, sharper, etc...
These are some of the different kind of charts you can setup thru the settings:
• Balanced Waindrops (default): charts with waindrops where the two halfs are of same size.
This is the default chart, just select a period (30m, 60m, 120m, 240m, pick your poison), adjust the histogram ticks and pixels and watch
• Unbalanced Waindrops: chart with waindrops where the two halfs are of different sizes.
Do you trade futures and want to plot a waindrop with the first half for the overnight session and the second half for the cash session? you got it;
just adjust the period to 1860 for any CME ticker (like ES1! for example) adjust the histogram ticks and pixels and watch
• Full Session Volume Profile: chart with waindrops where only the first half plots.
Do you use Volume profile to analize the market? Lucky you, now you can trick this one to plot it, just try a period of 780 on SPY, 2760 on ES1!, or 2880 on EURUSD
remember to adjust the histogram ticks and pixels for each underlying
• Only Bars: charts with only central and vwap bars plotted, simply deactivate the histogram and volume labels
• Only Histogram: charts with only the histogram plotted (volume profile charts), simply deactivate the bars and volume labels
• Only Volume: charts with only the raw volume numbers plotted, simply deactivate the bars and histogram
If you wanna know more about custom full session periods for different asset classes, read the HELP INFO accessible from the settings panel
Full Session Volume Profile on MES 5m chart:
Full Session Unbalanced Waindrop on MNQ 2m chart (left side Overnight session, right side Cash Session):
The following examples will have the exact same charts but on four different tickers representing a futures contract, a forex pair, an etf and a stock.
We are doing this to be able to see the different parameters we need for plotting the same kind of chart on different assets
The chart composition is as follows:
• Left side: Volume Labels chart (period 10)
• Upper Right side: Waindrops (period 60)
• Lower Right side: Full Session Volume Profile
The first example will specify the main parameters, the rest of the charts will have only the differences
• Left: Period size: 10, Bars: uncheck, Histogram: uncheck, Execution window: 1, Ticks per bar: 2, Updates per period: EACH BAR,
Pixels per bar: 4, Volume labels: check, Track price: check
• Upper Right: Period size: 60, Bars: check, Bars color mode: HISTOGRAM, Histogram: check, Execution window: 2, Ticks per bar: 2,
Updates per period: EACH BAR, Pixels per bar: 4, Volume labels: uncheck, Track price: check
• Lower Right: Period size: 2760, Bars: uncheck, Histogram: check, Execution window: 1, Ticks per bar: 1, Updates per period: EACH BAR,
Pixels per bar: 2, Volume labels: uncheck, Track price: check
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 10
• Lower Right: Period size: 2880, Ticks per bar: 1, Pixels per bar: 1
• Left: Ticks per bar: 3
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 5, Pixels per bar: 3
• Lower Right: Period size: 780, Ticks per bar: 2, Pixels per bar: 2
• Left: Ticks per bar: 2
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 6, Pixels per bar: 3
• Lower Right: Period size: 780, Ticks per bar: 1, Pixels per bar: 2
PineCoders for all they do, all the tools and help they provide and their involvement in making a better community
scarf for the idea of coding a waindrops like indicator, I did not know something like that existed at all
All the Pine Coders, Pine Pros and Pine Wizards, people who share their work and knowledge for the sake of it and helping others, I'm very grateful indeed
I'm learning at each step of the way from you all, thanks for this awesome community;
Opensource and shared knowledge: this is the way! (said with canned voice from inside my helmet :D)
This description was formatted following THIS guidelines
I sincerely hope you enjoy reading and using this work as much as I enjoyed developing it :D
IQ Zones [TradingIQ]Hey Traders!
Introducing "IQ Zones".
"IQ Zones" is an indicator that combines support and resistance identification with volume, the "value area" of a candlestick to be exact. IQ Zones identifies turning points in the market; however, the candlestick high or low that formed the key turning point is not necessarily distinguished as the support/resistance area. Instead, the script looks into the bar at lower timeframes and calculates the value area of the candlestick that formed the support or resistance level. Therefore, any lines protruding from a candlestick reflect the value area of that candlestick. These levels (value area high and value area low) are marked on the candlestick as a support/resistance level. If the level formed on high volume it's marked as an "IQ Zone".
Additionally, IQ Zones presents a heat map to show volume intensity at nearby price areas. The heatmap is a product of the Volume Profile (IQ Profile) located on the right of the chart.
The IQ Profile is a segmented volume profile. Recent price is split into fifths (customizable), and individual volume profiles are calculated for all segmented price areas. Price is split into more than one segment to avoid a situation where volume in a ranging price zone far surpasses all other recent price areas - creating an "unusable" volume profile that doesn't offer helpful insights. If desired, you can set the segmenting option to "1" to calculate one unified volume profile for the entire price range.
The image above shows IQ Zones in action!
Core Features of IQ Zones
Value Area Support and Resistance Levels
Segmented volume profile for the recent trading period
Volume intensity heatmap
Support and resistance levels in high volume intensity may be more significant as price stoppers
The image above explains the labels marked along the y-axis of the IQ Profile.
The "more green" a price area/label is, the higher the volume intensity at the marked support/resistance area.
The image above further explains line lines protruding from the IQ Profile.
For this example, the value area of the candlestick (where most trading action occurred) is quite far from the high price of the candlestick that formed a resistance level! Using the value area of a candlestick that marks a key turning point to draw support/resistance offers insight into where the majority of trading action took place when the support/resistance level was forming!
Additionally, you can hover your mouse over the IQ Zone labels (triangles pointing up or down) to see the prices of the value area for the support/resistance level, including the total buying volume and total selling volume at the price area!
The image above further explains the IQ Profile!
You can segment the recent price area anywhere from 1 - 15 times.
The image above further explains IQ Zones and the IQ Profile!
That will be all for this indicator - a fun project to share with the community.
Thank you!
lib_profileLibrary "lib_profile"
a library with functions to calculate a volume profile for either a set of candles within the current chart, or a single candle from its lower timeframe security data. All you need is to feed the
method delete(this)
deletes this bucket's plot from the chart
Namespace types: Bucket
this (Bucket)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Profile
this (Profile)
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Bucket
this (Bucket )
method delete(this)
Namespace types: Profile
this (Profile )
method update(this, top, bottom, value, fraction)
updates this bucket's data
Namespace types: Bucket
this (Bucket)
top (float)
bottom (float)
value (float)
fraction (float)
method update(this, tops, bottoms, values)
update this Profile's data (recalculates the whole profile and applies the result to this object) TODO optimisation to calculate this incremental to improve performance in realtime on high resolution
Namespace types: Profile
this (Profile)
tops (float ) : array of range top/high values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function
bottoms (float ) : array of range bottom/low values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function
values (float ) : array of range volume/1 values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function (1s can be used for analysing candles in bucket/price range over time)
method tostring(this)
allows debug print of a bucket
Namespace types: Bucket
this (Bucket)
method draw(this, start_t, start_i, end_t, end_i, args, line_color)
allows drawing a line in a Profile, representing this bucket and it's value + it's value's fraction of the Profile total value
Namespace types: Bucket
this (Bucket)
start_t (int) : the time x coordinate of the line's left end (depends on the Profile box)
start_i (int) : the bar_index x coordinate of the line's left end (depends on the Profile box)
end_t (int) : the time x coordinate of the line's right end (depends on the Profile box)
end_i (int) : the bar_index x coordinate of the line's right end (depends on the Profile box)
args (LineArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24) : the default arguments for the line style
line_color (color) : the color override for POC/VAH/VAL lines
method draw(this, forced_width)
draw all components of this Profile (Box, Background, Bucket lines, POC/VAH/VAL overlay levels and labels)
Namespace types: Profile
this (Profile)
forced_width (int) : allows to force width of the Profile Box, overrides the ProfileArgs.default_size and ProfileArgs.extend arguments (default: na)
method init(this)
Namespace types: ProfileArgs
this (ProfileArgs)
method init(this)
Namespace types: Profile
this (Profile)
profile(tops, bottoms, values, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, bucket_buffer)
split a chart/parent bar into 'resolution' sections, figure out in which section the most volume/time was spent, by analysing a given set of (intra)bars' top/bottom/volume values. Then return price center of the bin with the highest volume, essentially marking the point of control / highest volume (poc) in the chart/parent bar.
tops (float ) : array of range top/high values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function
bottoms (float ) : array of range bottom/low values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function
values (float ) : array of range volume/1 values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function (1s can be used for analysing candles in bucket/price range over time)
resolution (int) : amount of buckets/price ranges to sort the candle data into (analyse how much volume / time was spent in a certain bucket/price range) (default: 25)
vah_pc (float) : a threshold percentage (of values' total) for the top end of the value area (default: 80)
val_pc (float) : a threshold percentage (of values' total) for the bottom end of the value area (default: 20)
bucket_buffer (Bucket ) : optional buffer of empty Buckets to fill, if omitted a new one is created and returned. The buffer length must match the resolution
Returns: poc (price level), vah (price level), val (price level), poc_index (idx in buckets), vah_index (idx in buckets), val_index (idx in buckets), buckets (filled buffer or new)
create_profile(start_idx, tops, bottoms, values, resolution, vah_pc, val_pc, args)
split a chart/parent bar into 'resolution' sections, figure out in which section the most volume/time was spent, by analysing a given set of (intra)bars' top/bottom/volume values. Then return price center of the bin with the highest volume, essentially marking the point of control / highest volume (poc) in the chart/parent bar.
start_idx (int) : the bar_index at which the Profile should start drawing
tops (float ) : array of range top/high values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function
bottoms (float ) : array of range bottom/low values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function
values (float ) : array of range volume/1 values (either from ltf or chart candles using history() function (1s can be used for analysing candles in bucket/price range over time)
resolution (int) : amount of buckets/price ranges to sort the candle data into (analyse how much volume / time was spent in a certain bucket/price range) (default: 25)
vah_pc (float) : a threshold percentage (of values' total) for the top end of the value area (default: 80)
val_pc (float) : a threshold percentage (of values' total) for the bottom end of the value area (default: 20)
args (ProfileArgs)
Returns: poc (price level), vah (price level), val (price level), poc_index (idx in buckets), vah_index (idx in buckets), val_index (idx in buckets), buckets (filled buffer or new)
history(src, len, offset)
allows fetching an array of values from the history series with offset from current candle
src (int)
len (int)
offset (int)
history(src, len, offset)
allows fetching an array of values from the history series with offset from current candle
src (float)
len (int)
offset (int)
history(src, len, offset)
allows fetching an array of values from the history series with offset from current candle
src (bool)
len (int)
offset (int)
history(src, len, offset)
allows fetching an array of values from the history series with offset from current candle
src (string)
len (int)
offset (int)
idx (series int) : the index of this Bucket within the Profile starting with 0 for the lowest Bucket at the bottom of the Profile
value (series float) : the value of this Bucket, can be volume or time, for using time pass and array of 1s to the update function
top (series float) : the top of this Bucket's price range (for calculation)
btm (series float) : the bottom of this Bucket's price range (for calculation)
center (series float) : the center of this Bucket's price range (for plotting)
fraction (series float) : the fraction this Bucket's value is compared to the total of the Profile
plot_bucket_line (Line type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24) : the line that resembles this bucket and it's valeu in the Profile
show_poc (series bool) : whether to plot a POC line across the Profile Box (default: true)
show_profile (series bool) : whether to plot a line for each Bucket in the Profile Box, indicating the value per Bucket (Price range), e.g. volume that occured in a certain time and price range (default: false)
show_va (series bool) : whether to plot a VAH/VAL line across the Profile Box (default: false)
show_va_fill (series bool) : whether to fill the 'value' area between VAH/VAL line (default: false)
show_background (series bool) : whether to fill the Profile Box with a background color (default: false)
show_labels (series bool) : whether to add labels to the right end of the POC/VAH/VAL line (default: false)
show_price_levels (series bool) : whether add price values to the labels to the right end of the POC/VAH/VAL line (default: false)
extend (series bool) : whether extend the Profile Box to the current candle (default: false)
default_size (series int) : the default min. width of the Profile Box (default: 30)
args_poc_line (LineArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24) : arguments for the poc line plot
args_va_line (LineArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24) : arguments for the va line plot
args_poc_label (LabelArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24) : arguments for the poc label plot
args_va_label (LabelArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24) : arguments for the va label plot
args_profile_line (LineArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24) : arguments for the Bucket line plots
args_profile_bg (BoxArgs type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
va_fill_color (series color) : color for the va area fill plot
start (series int) : left x coordinate for the Profile Box
end (series int) : right x coordinate for the Profile Box
resolution (series int) : the amount of buckets/price ranges the Profile will dissect the data into
vah_threshold_pc (series float) : the percentage of the total data value to mark the upper threshold for the main value area
val_threshold_pc (series float) : the percentage of the total data value to mark the lower threshold for the main value area
args (ProfileArgs) : the style arguments for the Profile Box
h (series float) : the highest price of the data
l (series float) : the lowest price of the data
total (series float) : the total data value (e.g. volume of all candles, or just one each to analyse candle distribution over time)
buckets (Bucket ) : the Bucket objects holding the data for each price range bucket
poc_bucket_index (series int) : the Bucket index in buckets, that holds the poc Bucket
vah_bucket_index (series int) : the Bucket index in buckets, that holds the vah Bucket
val_bucket_index (series int) : the Bucket index in buckets, that holds the val Bucket
poc (series float) : the according price level marking the Point Of Control
vah (series float) : the according price level marking the Value Area High
val (series float) : the according price level marking the Value Area Low
plot_poc (Line type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
plot_vah (Line type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
plot_val (Line type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
plot_poc_label (Label type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
plot_vah_label (Label type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
plot_val_label (Label type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
plot_va_fill (LineFill type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
plot_profile_bg (Box type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/24)
Rolling Point of Control (POC) [AlgoAlpha]Enhance your trading decisions with the Rolling Point of Control (POC) Indicator designed by AlgoAlpha! This powerful tool displays a dynamic Point of Control based on volume or price profiles directly on your chart, providing a vivid depiction of dominant price levels according to historical data. 🌟📈
🚀 Key Features:
Profile Type Selection: Choose between Volume Profile and Price Profile to best suit your analysis needs.
Adjustable Lookback Period: Modify the lookback period to consider more or less historical data for your profile.
Customizable Resolution and Scale: Tailor the resolution and horizontal scale of the profile for precision and clarity.
Trend Analysis Tools: Enable trend analysis with the option to display a weighted moving average of the POC.
Color-Coded Feedback: Utilize color gradients to quickly identify bullish and bearish conditions relative to the POC.
Interactive Visuals: Dynamic rendering of profiles and alerts for crossing events enhances visual feedback and responsiveness.
Multiple Customization Options: Smooth the POC line, toggle profile and fill visibility, and choose custom colors for various elements.
🖥️ How to Use:
🛠 Add the Indicator:
Add the indicator to favorites and customize settings like profile type, lookback period, and resolution to fit your trading style.
📊 Market Analysis:
Monitor the POC line for significant price levels. Use the histogram to understand price distributions and locate major market pivots.
🔔 Alerts Setup:
Enable alerts for price crossing over or under the POC, as well as for trend changes, to stay ahead of market movements without constant chart monitoring.
🛠️ How It Works:
The Rolling POC indicator dynamically calculates the Point of Control either based on volume or price within a user-defined lookback period. It plots a histogram (profile) that highlights the level at which the most trading activity has occurred, helping to identify key support and resistance levels.
Basic Logic Overview:
- Data Compilation: Gathers high, low, and volume (if volume profile selected) data within the lookback period.
- Histogram Calculation: Divides the price range into bins (as specified by resolution), counting hits in each bin to find the most frequented price level.
- POC Identification: The price level with the highest concentration of hits (or volume) is marked as the POC.
- Trend MA (Optional): If enabled, the indicator plots a moving average of the POC for trend analysis.
By integrating the Rolling Point of Control into your charting toolkit, you can significantly enhance your market analysis and potentially increase the accuracy of your trading decisions. Whether you're day trading or looking at longer time frames, this indicator offers a detailed, customizable perspective on market dynamics. 🌍💹
Volume HeatMap With Profile [ChartPrime]The Volume Heatmap with Profile indicator is a tool designed to provide traders with a comprehensive view of market activity through customizable visualizations. This indicator goes beyond traditional volume analysis by offering a range of adjustable parameters and features that enhance analysis of volume and give a cleaner experience when analyzing it.
To get started click the start and end time for the profile.
Key Features:
Extended Calculation: This indicator extends its calculation to the last bar, ensuring that the user has insights into current market dynamics.
Point of Control (POC): Easily identify the price level at which the highest trading activity has occurred, helping the user pinpoint potential reversal points and significant support/resistance zones.
VWAP Point of Control: Display the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) Point of Control, giving the user a clear reference for determining the average price traders are paying and potential price reversals.
Adjustable Colors for Heatmap: Change the heatmap colors to the users preference, allowing the user to match the indicator's appearance to their chart style and personal visual preferences.
Forecasted Zone: This feature allows traders to forecast areas of high activity by providing the option to adjust colors within this zone. This feature assists in identifying potential breakouts or areas where increased trading volume is anticipated.
Volume Profile: Customize the colors of the volume profile to make it distinct and easily distinguishable on the chart.
Adjustable Volume Levels: Specify the number volume levels that are most relevant to your trading strategy.
Adjustable Placement for Volume Profile: Position the volume profile on the chart. Whether the user prefers it on the left, right, or at the center of the chart, this indicator offers placement flexibility.
The ratio of bull vs bear volume is plotted on the outside of the range indicating how bullish or bearish price action is in a given range.
Bull Vs Bear Visible Range VP [Kioseff Trading]Hello!
This Script “Bull vs Bear Visible Range VP” Calculates Bull & Bear Volume Profiles for the Visible Range Alongside a Delta Ladder for the Visible Period!
Volume Profile Anchored to Visible Range
Delta Ladder Anchored to Visible Range
Bull vs Bear Profiles!
Standard Poc and Value Area Lines, in Addition to Separated POCs and Value Area Lines for Bull Profiles and Bear Profiles
Configurable Value Area Target
Curved Profiles
Up to 9999 Profile Rows per Visible Range
Stylistic Options for Profiles
This Script Generates Bull vs. Bear Volume Profiles for the Visible Range!
Up to 9999 Volume Profile Levels (Price Levels) Can Be Calculated for Each Profile, Thanks to the New Polyline Feature, Allowing For Less Aggregation / More Precision of Volume at Price and Volume Delta.
Bull vs Bear Profiles
The Image Above Shows Primary Functionality!
Green Profiles = Buying Volume
Red Profiles = Selling Volume
Bullish & Bearish Pocs for the Visible Range Are Displayable!
Profiles Can Be Anchored on the Left Side for a More Traditional Look.
The indicator is robust enough to calculate on "small price periods", or for a price period spanning your entire chart fully zoomed out!
That’s About It :D
This Indicator Is Part of a Series Titled “Bull vs. Bear” - A Suite of Profile-Like Indicators I Will Be Releasing Over Coming Days. Thanks for Checking This Out!
If You Have Any Suggestions Please Feel Free to Share!
Bollinger Bands Liquidity Cloud [ChartPrime]This indicator overlays a heatmap on the price chart, providing a detailed representation of Bollinger bands' profile. It offers insights into the price's behavior relative to these bands. There are two visualization styles to choose from: the Volume Profile and the Z-Score method.
Volume Profile: This method illustrates how the price interacts with the Bollinger bands based on the traded volume.
Z-Score: In this mode, the indicator samples the real distribution of Z-Scores within a specified window and rescales this distribution to the desired sample size. It then maps the distribution as a heatmap by calculating the corresponding price for each Z-Score sample and representing its weight via color and transparency.
Length: The period for the simple moving average that forms the base for the Bollinger bands.
Multiplier: The number of standard deviations from the moving average to plot the upper and lower Bollinger bands.
Style: Choose between "Volume" and "Z-Score" visual styles.
Sample Size: The size of the bin. Affects the granularity of the heatmap.
Window Size: The lookback window for calculating the heatmap. When set to Z-Score, a value of `0` implies using all available data. It's advisable to either use `0` or the highest practical value when using the Z-Score method.
Lookback: The amount of historical data you want the heatmap to represent on the chart.
Smoothing: Implements sinc smoothing to the distribution. It smoothens out the heatmap to provide a clearer visual representation.
Heat Map Alpha: Controls the transparency of the heatmap. A higher value makes it more opaque, while a lower value makes it more transparent.
Weight Score Overlay: A toggle that, when enabled, displays a letter score (`S`, `A`, `B`, `C`, `D`) inside the heatmap boxes, based on the weight of each data point. The scoring system categorizes each weight into one of these letters using the provided percentile ranks and the median.
Color: Color for high values.
Standard Deviation Color: Color to represent the standard deviation on the Bollinger bands.
Text Color: Determines the color of the letter score inside the heatmap boxes. Adjusting this parameter ensures that the score is visible against the heatmap color.
Once this indicator is applied to your chart, the heatmap will be overlaid on the price chart, providing a visual representation of the price's behavior in relation to the Bollinger bands. The intensity of the heatmap is directly tied to the price action's intensity, defined by your chosen parameters.
When employing the Volume Profile style, a brighter and more intense area on the heatmap indicates a higher trading volume within that specific price range. On the other hand, if you opt for the Z-Score method, the intensity of the heatmap reflects the Z-Score distribution. Here, a stronger intensity is synonymous with a more frequent occurrence of a specific Z-Score.
For those seeking an added layer of granularity, there's the "Weight Score Overlay" feature. When activated, each box in your heatmap will sport a letter score, ranging from `S` to `D`. This score categorizes the weight of each data point, offering a concise breakdown:
- `S`: Data points with a weight of 1.
- `A`: Weights below 1 but greater than or equal to the 75th percentile rank.
- `B`: Weights under the 75th percentile but at or above the median.
- `C`: Weights beneath the median but surpassing the 25th percentile rank.
- `D`: All that fall below the 25th percentile rank.
This scoring feature augments the heatmap's visual data, facilitating a quicker interpretation of the weight distribution across the dataset.
Further Explanations
Volume Profile
A volume profile is a tool used by traders to visualize the amount of trading volume occurring at specific price levels. This kind of profile provides a deep insight into the market's structure and helps traders identify key areas of support and resistance, based on where the most trading activity took place. The concept behind the volume profile is that the amount of volume at each price level can indicate the potential importance of that price.
In this indicator:
- The volume profile mode creates a visual representation by sampling trading volumes across price levels.
- The representation displays the balance between bullish and bearish volumes at each level, which is further differentiated using a color gradient from `low_color` to `high_color`.
- The volume profile becomes more refined with sinc smoothing, helping to produce a smoother distribution of volumes.
Z-Score and Distribution Resampling
Z-Score, in the context of trading, represents the number of standard deviations a data point (e.g., closing price) is from the mean (average). It’s a measure of how unusual or typical a particular data point is in relation to all the data. In simpler terms, a high Z-Score indicates that the data point is far away from the mean, while a low Z-Score suggests it's close to the mean.
The unique feature of this indicator is that it samples the real distribution of z-scores within a window and then resamples this distribution to fit the desired sample size. This process is termed as "resampling in the context of distribution sampling" . Resampling provides a way to reconstruct and potentially simplify the original distribution of z-scores, making it easier for traders to interpret.
In this indicator:
- Each Z-Score corresponds to a price value on the chart.
- The resampled distribution is then used to display the heatmap, with each Z-Score related price level getting a heatmap box. The weight (or importance) of each box is represented as a combination of color and transparency.
How to Interpret the Z-Score Distribution Visualization:
When interpreting the Z-Score distribution through color and alpha in the visualization, it's vital to understand that you're seeing a representation of how unusual or typical certain data points are without directly viewing the numerical Z-Score values. Here's how you can interpret it:
Intensity of Color: This often corresponds to the distance a particular data point is from the mean.
Lighter shades (closer to `low_color`) typically indicate data points that are more extreme, suggesting overbought or oversold conditions. These could signify potential reversals or significant deviations from the norm.
Darker shades (closer to `high_color`) represent data points closer to the mean, suggesting that the price is relatively typical compared to the historical data within the given window.
Alpha (Transparency): The degree of transparency can indicate the significance or confidence of the observed deviation. More opaque boxes might suggest a stronger or more reliable deviation from the mean, implying that the observed behavior is less likely to be a random occurrence.
More transparent boxes could denote less certainty or a weaker deviation, meaning that the observed price behavior might not be as noteworthy.
- Combining Color and Alpha: By observing both the intensity of color and the level of transparency, you get a richer understanding. For example:
- A light, opaque box could suggest a strong, significant deviation from the mean, potentially signaling an overbought or oversold scenario.
- A dark, transparent box might indicate a weak, insignificant deviation, suggesting the price is behaving typically and is close to its average.
10x Bull Vs. Bear VP Intraday Sessions [Kioseff Trading]Hello!
This script "10x Bull Vs. Bear VP Intraday Sessions" lets the user configure up to 10 session ranges for Bull Vs. Bear volume profiles!
Up To 10 Fixed Ranges!
Volume Profile Anchored to Fixed Range
Delta Ladder Anchored to Range
Bull vs Bear Profiles!
Standard Poc and Value Area Lines, in Addition to Separated POCs and Value Area Lines for Bull Profiles and Bear Profiles
Configurable Value Area Target
Up to 2000 Profile Rows per Visible Range
Stylistic Options for Profiles
This script generates Bull vs. Bear volume profiles for up to 10 fixed ranges!
Up to 2000 volume profile levels (price levels) Can be calculated for each profile, thanks to the new polyline feature, allowing for less aggregation / more precision of volume at price and volume delta.
Bull vs Bear Profiles
The image above shows primary functionality!
Green profiles = buying volume
Red profiles = selling volume
All colors are configurable.
Bullish & bearish POC + value areas for each fixed range are displayable!
That’s about it :D
This indicator is part of a series titled “Bull vs. Bear”.
If you have any suggestions please feel free to share!
Time Profile [QuantVue]The Time Profile indicator provides traders with a comprehensive view of volume and time-based price activity. The indicator combines two essential components into one indicator: the volume profile and the time profile.
The volume profile represents the distribution of trading volume at different price levels over a specified period and is displayed as a circle on the chart.
It provides a visual representation of where the majority of trading volume occurred and often highlights significant support and resistance levels. The volume profile is calculated as the closing price of the highest volume intraday bar, based on the user selected lower time frame.
On the other hand, the time profile focuses on analyzing the time spent at certain price levels. The indicator divides the current bars range into 10 blocks and counts the number of user selected lower time frame closes within each time block.
The block with the most lower time frame closes in it is deemed the time point of control. Traders can use this information to identify time blocks where price movement was most significant.
The time profile is drawn on the Y axis of the current bar to allow for an easy visualization of where price spent most of its time. Historical time profiles are also noted on previous bars with a dash marking the level.
The Time Profile indicator offers several customization options. Traders can adjust the timeframe for the lower time frame data, decide whether to display the time profile, and customize colors for visual clarity.
Additionally, traders can choose to highlight instances where the Volume POC and Time POC align, indicating a strong concentration of volume and price activity.
Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
We hope you enjoy!
Open Interest Profile [Fixed Range] - By LeviathanThis script generates an aggregated Open Interest profile for any user-selected range and provides several other features and tools, such as OI Delta Profile, Positive Delta Levels, OI Heatmap, Range Levels, OIWAP, POC and much more.
The indicator will help you find levels of interest based on where other market participants are opening and closing their positions. This provides a deeper insight into market activity and serves as a foundation for various different trading strategies (trapped traders, supply and demand, support and resistance, liquidity gaps, imbalances,liquidation levels, etc). Additionally, this indicator can be used in conjunction with other tools such as Volume Profile.
Open Interest (OI) is a key metric in derivatives markets that refers to the total number of unsettled or open contracts. A contract is a mutual agreement between two parties to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price. Each contract consists of a long side and a short side, with one party consenting to buy (long) and the other agreeing to sell (short). The party holding the long position will profit from an increase in the asset's price, while the one holding the short position will profit from the price decline. Every long position opened requires a corresponding short position by another market participant, and vice versa. Although there might be an imbalance in the number of accounts or traders holding long and short contracts, the net value of positions held on each side remains balanced at a 1:1 ratio. For instance, an Open Interest of 100 BTC implies that there are currently 100 BTC worth of longs and 100 BTC worth of shorts open in the market. There might be more traders on one side holding smaller positions, and fewer on the other side with larger positions, but the net value of positions on both sides is equivalent - 100 BTC in longs and 100 BTC in shorts (1:1). Consider a scenario where a trader decides to open a long position for 1 BTC at a price of $30k. For this long order to be executed, a counterparty must take the opposite side of the contract by placing a short order for 1 BTC at the same price of $30k. When both long and short orders are matched and executed, the Open Interest increases by 1 BTC, indicating the introduction of this new contract to the market.
The meaning of fluctuations in Open Interest:
- OI Increase - signifies new positions entering the market (both longs and shorts).
- OI Decrease - indicates positions exiting the market (both longs and shorts).
- OI Flat - represents no change in open positions due to low activity or a large number of contract transfers (contracts changing hands instead of being closed).
Typically, we monitor Open Interest in the form of its running value, either on a chart or through OI Delta histograms that depict the net change in OI for each price bar. This indicator enhances Open Interest analysis by illustrating the distribution of changes in OI on the price axis rather than the time axis (akin to Volume Profiles). While Volume Profile displays the volume that occurred at a given price level, the Open Interest Profile offers insight into where traders were opening and closing their positions.
How to use the indicator?
1. Add the script to your chart
2. A prompt will appear, asking you to select the “Start Time” (start of the range) and the “End Time” (end of the range) by clicking anywhere on your chart.
3. Within a few seconds, a profile will be generated. If you wish to alter the selected range, you can drag the "Start Time" and "End Time" markers accordingly.
4. Enjoy the script and feel free to explore all the settings.
To learn more about each input in indicator settings, please read the provided tooltips. These can be accessed by hovering over or clicking on the ( i ) symbol next to the input.
Open Interest Profile (OI)- By LeviathanThis script implements the concept of Open Interest Profile, which can help you analyze the activity of traders and identify the price levels where they are opening/closing their positions. This data can serve as a confluence for finding the areas of support and resistance , targets and placing stop losses. OI profiles can be viewed in the ranges of days, weeks, months, Tokyo sessions, London sessions and New York sessions.
A short introduction to Open Interest
Open Interest is a metric that measures the total amount of open derivatives contracts in a specific market at a given time. A valid contract is formed by both a buyer who opens a long position and a seller who opens a short position. This means that OI represents the total value of all open longs and all open shorts, divided by two. For example, if Open Interest is showing a value of $1B, it means that there is $1B worth of long and $1B worth of short contracts currently open/unsettled in a given market.
OI increasing = new long and short contracts are entering the market
OI decreasing = long and short contracts are exiting the market
OI unchanged = the net amount of positions remains the same (no new entries/exits or just a transfer of contracts occurring)
About this indicator
*This script is basically a modified version of my previous "Market Sessions and Volume Profile by @LeviathanCapital" indicator but this time, profiles are generated from Tradingview Open Interest data instead of volume (+ some other changes).
The usual representation of OI shows Open Interest value and its change based on time (for a particular day, time frame or each given candle). This indicator takes the data and plots it in a way where you can see the OI activity (change in OI) based on price levels. To put it simply, instead of observing WHEN (time) positions are entering/exiting the market, you can now see WHERE (price) positions are entering/exiting the market. This is the same concept as when it comes to Volume and Volume profile and therefore, similar strategies and ways of understanding the given data can be applied here. You can even combine the two to gain an edge (eg. high OI increase + Volume Profile showing dominant market selling = possible aggressive shorts taking place)
Green nodes = OI increase
Red nodes = OI decrease
A cluster of large green nodes can be used for support and resistance levels (*trapped traders theory) or targets (lots of liquidations and stop losses above/below), OI Profile gaps can present an objective for the price to fill them (liquidity gaps, imbalances, inefficiencies, etc), and more.
Indicator settings
1. Session/Lookback - Choose the range from where the OI Profile will be generated
2. OI Profile Mode - Mode 1 (shows only OI increase), Mode 2 (shows both OI increase and decrease), Mode 3 (shows OI decrease on left side and OI increase on the right side).
3. Show OI Value Area - Shows the area where most OI activity took place (useful as a range or S/R level )
4. Show Session Box - Shows the box around chosen sessions/lookback
5. Show Profile - Show/hide OI Profile
6. Show Current Session - Show/hide the ongoing session
7. Show Session Labels - Show/hide the text labels for each session
8. Resolution - The higher the value, the more refined a profile is, but fewer profiles are shown on the chart
9. OI Value Area % - Choose the percentage of VA (same as in Volume Profile's VA)
10. Smooth OI Data - Useful for assets that have very large spikes in OI over large bars, helps create better profiles
11. OI Increase - Pick the color of OI increase nodes in the profile
12. OI Decrease - Pick the color of OI decrease nodes in the profile
13. Value Area Box - Pick the color of the Value Area Box
14. Session Box Thickness - Pick the thickness of the lines surrounding the chosen sessions
The indicator calculates the profile based on candles - the more candles you can show, the better profile will be formed. This means that it's best to view most sessions on timeframes like 15min or lower. The only exception is the Monthly profile, where timeframes above 15min should be used. Just take a few minutes and switch between timeframes and sessions and you will figure out the optimal settings.
This is the first version of Open Interest Profile script so please understand that it will be improved in future updates.
Thank you for your support.
** Some profile generation elements are inspired by @LonesomeTheBlue's volume profile script
Real-Time HTF Volume Footprint [BigBeluga]Real-time HTF Volume Footprint Profile is designed to provide a comprehensive view of higher timeframe volume profiles on your current chart. It overlays critical volume information from larger timeframes (like daily, weekly, or monthly) onto lower timeframe charts, helping you spot significant levels where volume is concentrated, acting as potential support or resistance.
🔵 Key Features:
HTF High and Low Zones: The indicator highlights the high and low of the chosen higher timeframe with clear zones, marking them with boxes. These zones help you see the broader market structure at a glance.
Volume Profile within HTF Range: Each higher timeframe range displays a volume profile, showing the distribution of volume at each price level. The most-traded price is highlighted in blue, known as the Point of Control (POC), indicating the price level with the highest activity.
Dynamic POC Option: Activate Dynamic POC to observe how the Point of Control shifts over time, giving insight into changing market interests and potential price direction.
Timeframe Flexibility: Select from daily, weekly, and monthly ranges (and more) to overlay their footprint profiles on your lower timeframe chart. This helps you tailor the indicator to the trading horizon that suits your strategy.
Info Table: Table shows a traders which timeframe is selected with last high and low of the selected timeframe
Visual Clarity with Custom Colors: The indicator uses subtle fills and distinct colors to ensure volume profile data integrates seamlessly into your chart without overwhelming other indicators or price data.
🔵 When to Use:
The HTF Volume Footprint Profile is essential for traders who want to bridge the gap between high-timeframe and intraday analysis. By visualizing HTF volume distribution on lower timeframes, this tool helps you:
Spot potential liquidity zones where price might react.
Identify support and resistance levels within HTF ranges.
Monitor PoC shifts that indicate changes in market behavior.
Track how current price aligns with significant volume clusters, providing a clear edge for volume-based strategies.
This indicator empowers traders to analyze lower timeframes with the context of higher timeframe volume profiles, providing a solid basis for identifying critical support and resistance levels shaped by large volume clusters. Whether you’re looking to spot liquidity zones or align your trades with broader market trends, HTF Volume Footprint Profile equips you with a strategic view.
Open Liquidity Heatmap [BigBeluga]Open Liquidity Heatmap is an indicator designed to display accumulated resting liquidity on the chart.
Unlike any other liquidity heatmap, this aims to accumulate liquidity at specific levels that build up over time, showing larger areas of liquidity.
The indicator includes the following settings:
Lookback : Used to determine the range calculation of the heatmap.
Leverage : Leverage of the liquidation (Counted as % in price, Example: 4.5 will return a distance from price of 4.5%, indicating any possible resting liquidity in this range).
Levels : Amount of levels to display (Each level is counted as liquidity resting on the chart; fewer levels will return a bigger area of liquidity sitting on the chart).
Mode : Apply a color gradient from the minimum liquidation to the maximum liquidity level. Set the maximum color gradient value (Counted as volume).
Offset : Automatically determine the offset range of the Volume Profiles. Manual offset of the Volume Profiles.
for i = 0 to step - 1
float plotter = na
switch i
0 =>
plotter := hs
plotter := hs - diff * ( i )
cls.vp.put(plotter, 0)
We calculate levels like a normal volume profile with steps, from the highest point within the lookback to the lowest one. Each level will contain the corresponding amount of volume that the candle has closed in that range.
As we can see in the image above, we add liquidity each time the distance in % from price is between two levels.
Unlike many liquidity indicators that provide a single candle liquidity heatmap, this aims to add up liquidity (volume) in already present levels.
This can be extremely useful to see which levels are likely to be more liquid and tend to get a bigger reaction to the price.
Imagine it like a range of levels that each time price revisits that area, a new position area is added; we add volume in that area each time price visits that zone. Liquidity builds up in those zones, causing a bigger reaction to the price once the price visits it.
This indicator is not the same as a single candle heatmap like many others. What is a single candle heatmap?
A single candle heatmap is when a level is created on every new candle, coloring the level based on the total volume of it.
This indicator, on the contrary, aims to provide a more specific use by adding up liquidity each time price visits it.
This is a basic demonstration of how we can spot high liquidity points overall using confluence:
We see the POC of the liquidation in a low volume area of the normal volume profile adding up as confluence.
Resistance from the POC Volume Profile suggesting price will go lower.
Major long open liquidity down.
As we can see, price takes out all the long liquidity and right after pumping, indicating that all the major liquidity got taken out.
Some key note to take is that a POC in the liquidation heatmap in a low volume area of the normal Volume Profile add confluence of a possible big reaction in that zone.
In the forex market, we suggest to use a low distance from price (Leverage) while in a crypto market you can use the one that fit the best the current timeframe.
This indicator aims to show open resting liquidity that had built up over time, showing the most amount of liquidation in specific areas in an aggregated way unlike many liquidation heatmap indicators that show single-level liquidation.
OI Visible Range Ladder [Kioseff Trading]Hello!
This Script “OI Visible Range Ladder” calculates open interest profiles for the visible range alongside an OI ladder for the visible period!
OI Profile Anchored to Visible Range
OI Ladder Anchored to Visible Range
Standard POC and Value Area Lines, in Addition to Separated POCs and Value Area Lines for each category of OI x Price
Configurable Value Area Targets
Curved Profiles
Up to 9999 Profile Rows per Visible Range
Stylistic Options for Profiles
Up to 9999 volume profile levels (Price levels) can be calculated for each profile, thanks to the new polyline feature, allowing for less aggregation / more precision of open interest at price.
The image above shows primary functionality!
Green profiles = Up OI / Up Price
Yellow profiles = Down OI / Up Price
Purple profiles = Up OI / Down Price
Red profiles = Down OI / Down Price
The image above shows POCs for each OI x Price category!
Profiles can be anchored on the left side for a more traditional look.
The indicator is robust enough to calculate on “small price periods”, or for a price period spanning your entire chart fully zoomed out!
That’s about it :D
This indicator is Part of a series titled “Bull vs. Bear” - a suite of profile-like indicators.
Thanks for checking this out!
If you have any suggestions please feel free to share!